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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
OCTOPLUS +arcs cogwheel ova 35
ODM +cogwheel & circle 7, 12
cogwheel 12
OEKS +cogwheel 12
OEP +cogwheel & arrows 37
OFFICINE IORI +cogwheel 7
OFL fasteners +cogwheel 6
OG LCD & OG TOUCH +cogwheel 9
OGI ORBITER GROUP +cogwheel 37
OGI ORBITER group +cogwheel 12
OHEC +tools & cogwheel 10
OJAS +cogwheel 11
OJASVI +cogwheel 7
OJJUS +cogwheel 16, 42
OJJUS FIDELITY +cogwheel 16, 42
OJJUS MEDICARE +cogwheel 16, 44
OJJUS healthcare +cogwheel 42
OM BHAWNA +cogwheel & circl 5
OM BRAND +cogwheel & ribbon 7
OM CABLE +cogwheel 38
OM DRISHIAN +cogwheel 14, 19, 20, 26, 27, 45
OM METALS +cogwheel & arcs 6
OM SAI +cogwheel 3
cogwheel 7
OMPI +cogwheel 9, 10, 20
OMR +cogwheel 41
OMSO +triangles & cogwheel 7, 9
OMT +cogwheel 7
ONE DIRECTION 1D +cogwheel 25
ONKAR +cogwheel 7
ONKEL SINGH +man & cogwheel 30
ONLY STAPLES.COM +cogwheel 35
ONSITE REPAIR +cogwheel 9
ONYX +cogwheel & circle 41
OP JEWELLERS +cogwheel 14, 35
cogwheel 42
OPTIGEAR +cogwheel 12
cogwheel 4
ORBIXO +leaf & cogwheel 11
ORGANIQ +cogwheel 41
cogwheel 7
ORIENT +plant hand cogwheel 7
ORION GROUP +cogwheel 18, 19, 33
ORION GROUP +cogwheel arrow 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45
ORUMA printers +cogwheel 40
OSIRIS MONEY +cogwheel 36
OSWAL THREADS 303 +cogwheel 23
OSWAL liquid blue +cogwheel 3
cogwheel 23
OTC RUSTON +cogwheel 8
OTK +cogwheel 7, 35
OUT PERFORM +cogwheel 42
OWEG ro system +cogwheel 11, 35
OXEN +plant cogwheel tracto 44
cogwheel 20, 24
P DJ PULSE +cogwheel 41
P P&Y FASHION +cogwheel 18
P PACK TECH +cogwheel squar 7
P PADAMAGRO +cogwheel 7, 35
P PARKER +cogwheel & oval 11
P PENGFEI +cogwheel 7
P POPULAR +cogwheel & squar 6
P PRAKASH +cogwheel & squar 7
P PRECISIO SEALS +cogwheel 7
P PREM +cogwheel 7
P PUSHKER +cogwheel 9
P popular +cogwheel 7
P.B ENGG. CORP. +cogwheel 7
P.B ENGG. WORKS +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 39
P2P PLUS 2 PLUS +cogwheel 4
P6 GEAR PARTS +cogwheel 12
P6 PEE SIX GEAR +cogwheel 12
P6 gear parts +cogwheel 7
PA PHOTON ACADEMY +cogwheel 41
PAARS +leaf cogwheel & oval 42
PACK WELL +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 25
PALLAVI +man & cogwheel 30
PALSER +cogwheel 7
PAMMI +cogwheel 6, 7, 35
cogwheel 30
PANDI +man & cogwheel 6
PANDITYA +cogwheel & oval 7
PANESAR +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 41
PAPARAZZI +cogwheel & squar 25
PAPL PANDIT AXLE +cogwheel 12
PAPTEQ +cogwheel & oval 7
PARAGON +cogwheel 7
PARAMPARA +man & cogwheel 34
PARAS +cogwheel & lightning 9
PARAS TIMBER +cogwheel leaf 19
PARKO industries +cogwheel 7
PARMAR +cogwheel 7
PARTAP +soldier & cogwheel 7
PARTS 2 REPAIR +cogwheel 16
cogwheel 41
cogwheel 37
PAT +cogwheel 12
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